While for Rick and Louis the end of the movie Casablaca promised the beginning of a good relationship, car dealers – and with them auto manufacturers – are about to lose their’s with car buyers; mainly because the ‘friendship’ just was not wonderful enough. And the automotive industry is not […]
If you define a customer experience that the combination of all your touchpoints are supposed to deliver to customers, you better make sure that this experience is delivered properly and consistently. Hence, a large proportion of companies have set up customer surveys that monitor execution and assess the effect it […]
Organisations focus more and more on the topic of business model optimisation. But one part that gets too few attention within BMO projects is the culture of a company. A culture has to be inclusive in terms of bridging departments and using the customer as a valuable resource. But is […]
Simple business economics make building up and maintaining mutually value-creating relationships with customers the most promising strategy for the vast majority of businesses in most industries; far superior to continuously trying to acquire new customers at a great cost. Interestingly, building up great relationships based on good customer insights also […]
Complexity is growing in almost every dimension of customer relationship management. More channels, touch points, and offerings will easily lead to confusion. As most organisations aim for growth they get to complex and difficult to understand. So one of the main challenges is to keep things simple while complexity is […]
Business model generation is gaining more and more importance. Most frameworks put the customer respectivly the value proposition in the center. But most models reduce creative thinking instead of supporting it. Designing multi-sided market business models or even business models visualizing the dependency of contributions of other companies offerings is […]
Customer loyalty will be also on the agenda in 2014. To improve profitability in many industries customer loyalty should be in the focus of the management. But what can you expect from your customer loyalty initiatves. Zendesk has put together some number in a nice illustration to uncover some insights. […]