Wo man auch hinhört. wird über Kundenerfahrungen (Customer Experiences) und Kundenerfahrungs-Management (Customer Experience Management) gesprochen. Dennoch stellen wir immer wieder fest, dass wenige Leute eine ausreichend konkrete Vorstellung davon haben, was es braucht, um differenzierende Kundenerfahrungen erfolgreich zu definieren und im Alltag sicherzustellen. In diesem Artikel versuchen wir, die 6 […]
Customer relationship management
Everybody and their dogs seem to be talking about customer experiences and customer experience management nowadays. However, too few people seem to have a good concept of what it really takes to do it successfully. This is why this article summarises the 6 steps of successful customer experience management from […]
How important is customer centricity for retailers? Stationary retail businesses have been under pressure for quite some time now. And there is no end in sight. This warrants the question what it takes for them to do better – or for a number of retail companies even what it takes […]
Today, it is all about frustration. At the end of 2016 there is a big why in our heads. Why are so many companies unwilling to ask what the customer really wants and act accordingly? How many meetings did we have in 2016 where managers fought for the idea that […]
Where do you look for information and decision facts when you are considering buying the product or service of a specific company? In the internet era, the answer seems obvious: on the respective company’s website. In fact, in most industries that’s exactly what potential customers do. This is great news, […]
The bad news is that disappointing customer service is not only bad for customers. It is also detrimental to the success of the company providing it. Some simple statistics on customer attrition illustrate this impressively. The good news is that great customer experiences do not only have a positive influence […]
Simple business economics make building up and maintaining mutually value-creating relationships with customers the most promising strategy for the vast majority of businesses in most industries; far superior to continuously trying to acquire new customers at a great cost. Interestingly, building up great relationships based on good customer insights also […]