Der Hidden-Champion Bien-Zenker (grösster Fertighaushersteller Europas) ist als Kundenchampion 2019 von der FAZ und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Qualität ausgezeichnet worden. Grundlage für die Kür zu “Deutschlands Kundenchampion” ist eine umfangreiche Kundenbefragung. Deren Kern ist das “Fan-Prinzip”, das die relevanten Kriterien für den Unternehmenserfolg abbildet. Erfolgreich ist demnach, wer mit […]
Customer centricity
Today, it is all about frustration. At the end of 2016 there is a big why in our heads. Why are so many companies unwilling to ask what the customer really wants and act accordingly? How many meetings did we have in 2016 where managers fought for the idea that […]
Social media is powerful? You aim to get closer to your customers? You want to improve your customer centricity? And we all know – this has to be authentic and real, no? Watch another “brave” example of how organisations apparently underestimate the shift and resources which are needed to use […]
Making a company customer-centric must go along with a cultural shift. One key to such a cultural transformation lies in a leadership that has a convincing, yet realistic, narrative to tell and that is prepared to walk the talk. Transforming organisations need leaders who clearly communicate the company’s strategic intent, […]
Truly customer-centric companies are characterised by two elements: Firstly, they have got the offering, customer experience, touchpoint usage, processes and tools right to create mutual value – i.e. value both for themselves and for their customers. Secondly, they have an inclusive culture that allows working seamlessly across functional silos within […]