The truth about mobile shopping – do not use age for segmentation







We should know that only 10% of people shop cloths online. But if you ask people, they think it is 20%,30% or even 50% – same situation in mobile shopping. Numbers in general are still low. Another great myth is the “Digital Natives”. The latest research on mobile shopping shows that Silver Surfers are shopping mobile almost as often as Digital Natives. Knowing that Silver Surfers have higher spending power it seems that age is not the right segmentation for mobile marketing and sales activities. But it is used so many times! WHY? Because companies do not gather valuable customer insights. Customer data must be easy to collect, stirred through data protection law and obey to the new rule of “low hanging fruits”. Mobile shopping should be individualized. Therefore, companies need to gather valuable customer insights beyond age, gender, location, or operating system. See an example of a study that claims how important mobile shopping is but rather proves – will still take some time…