Erfüllt Ihr Unternehmen die vier Grundvoraussetzungen von Kundenorientierung (oder neudeutsch: Customer Centricity)? Wir werden oft gefragt, was es bedeutet, wahrhaft kundenorientiert zu sein. Viele im Internet zu findende, landläufige Definitionen helfen dem Praktiker nicht weiter. Unsere Erfahrung aus der Zusammenarbeit mit Klienten und aus der eigenen Forschung sagt uns, dass […]
Inclusive Organisation
Is your company living and breathing customer centricity? Experience and research show that there are four key prerequisites for customer centricity in commercial and non-commercial organisations.
How important is customer centricity for retailers? Stationary retail businesses have been under pressure for quite some time now. And there is no end in sight. This warrants the question what it takes for them to do better – or for a number of retail companies even what it takes […]
Creating a customer-centric culture is one of the biggest challenge on the path to customer centricity. Here are a few thoughts on how to get there.
Project scope Help the top-management of a global producer of electric motors to undertake a major shift in the company’s culture from product-orientation to customer centricity Assess the current mind-set and define the target culture Design and perform a series of interactive mobilisation workshops with top and middle management Design […]
In recent discussions on the topic of customer experience, technology is seen as the solution. But technology often fails, because of a culture that is not inclusive. Even worse, technology does not offer convenience to the user. If it is not simple and secure, it will be difficult to wow […]
Truly customer-centric companies are characterised by two elements: Firstly, they have got the offering, customer experience, touchpoint usage, processes and tools right to create mutual value – i.e. value both for themselves and for their customers. Secondly, they have an inclusive culture that allows working seamlessly across functional silos within […]
Organisations focus more and more on the topic of business model optimisation. But one part that gets too few attention within BMO projects is the culture of a company. A culture has to be inclusive in terms of bridging departments and using the customer as a valuable resource. But is […]