Wo man auch hinhört. wird über Kundenerfahrungen (Customer Experiences) und Kundenerfahrungs-Management (Customer Experience Management) gesprochen. Dennoch stellen wir immer wieder fest, dass wenige Leute eine ausreichend konkrete Vorstellung davon haben, was es braucht, um differenzierende Kundenerfahrungen erfolgreich zu definieren und im Alltag sicherzustellen. In diesem Artikel versuchen wir, die 6 […]
Customer experience management
3 posts
Everybody and their dogs seem to be talking about customer experiences and customer experience management nowadays. However, too few people seem to have a good concept of what it really takes to do it successfully. This is why this article summarises the 6 steps of successful customer experience management from […]
Research confirms the power of customer experience as many industries enter a switching economy. A separate report validates this trend, finding that three quarters of consumers switch to a brand competitor after just one bad experience. In response to this landscape, brands and businesses must prioritise customer experience at a […]