Erfüllt Ihr Unternehmen die vier Grundvoraussetzungen von Kundenorientierung (oder neudeutsch: Customer Centricity)? Wir werden oft gefragt, was es bedeutet, wahrhaft kundenorientiert zu sein. Viele im Internet zu findende, landläufige Definitionen helfen dem Praktiker nicht weiter. Unsere Erfahrung aus der Zusammenarbeit mit Klienten und aus der eigenen Forschung sagt uns, dass […]
Mutual value creation
Is your company living and breathing customer centricity? Experience and research show that there are four key prerequisites for customer centricity in commercial and non-commercial organisations.
Customer valuation and customer centricity need to go hand in hand, if a company wants to be and stay successful. We have been postulating for years now, that truly customer-centric companies have above average capabilities to create mutual value. This means that they generate high levels of value both for […]
Mike Hakkens is Associate Partner managing the financial services and customer experience management practices at WATC Consulting AG. Here he shares his impressions judging this year’s UK Financial Services Experience Awards, which took place in London in July. Do outstanding experiences in Financial Services exist? Frowns and blank looks are […]
The sense of customer journey maps Customer journey maps summarise the buying process of customers or customer segments based on market research findings. Thereby, the map shows where the experience of the customer begins and where it ends, how the interactions with the respective product or service look like, and […]
Many companies we encounter in our daily work see the power of technology in delivering the traditional product or service (or something similar to it) more efficiently. Trying to do so is of course not bad – even though considerable investments often make it difficult to realise efficiency gains. The […]
Any meaningful relationship is a two-sided affair and it should be beneficial to both involved parties. Both sides usually have an opinion of what it should be like. Hence, it helps to understand what type of relationship the other side would like to have. What is true for relationships between […]
Simple business economics make building up and maintaining mutually value-creating relationships with customers the most promising strategy for the vast majority of businesses in most industries; far superior to continuously trying to acquire new customers at a great cost. Interestingly, building up great relationships based on good customer insights also […]
Customer loyalty will be also on the agenda in 2014. To improve profitability in many industries customer loyalty should be in the focus of the management. But what can you expect from your customer loyalty initiatves. Zendesk has put together some number in a nice illustration to uncover some insights. […]