Every company should have absolute control over its touchpoints and the management of those should be on the executive agenda. A 360-Degree Touchpoint-Analysis delivers the basis for this and gives insights on how to treat touchpoints content-wise and financially. The importance of a 360-Degree Touchpoint-Analysis The buying behaviour of customers […]
The sense of customer journey maps Customer journey maps summarise the buying process of customers or customer segments based on market research findings. Thereby, the map shows where the experience of the customer begins and where it ends, how the interactions with the respective product or service look like, and […]
Today, it is all about frustration. At the end of 2016 there is a big why in our heads. Why are so many companies unwilling to ask what the customer really wants and act accordingly? How many meetings did we have in 2016 where managers fought for the idea that […]
Social media is powerful? You aim to get closer to your customers? You want to improve your customer centricity? And we all know – this has to be authentic and real, no? Watch another “brave” example of how organisations apparently underestimate the shift and resources which are needed to use […]
Latest trade shows offer beacon and other technical gimmicks to improve the customer experience at the physical POS. Like always – technology drives customer experience management. But if we take a break and think of what customers are seeking at the physical POS, it obviously is not a replication of […]
Digital technology creates new opportunities for new entrants and customers alike. Plenty of industries have already fundamentally been re-defined in a wave of digital disruption (music, newspapers, retail, travel, telecoms and advertising). Most incumbents did not see this coming or could not think of a suitable way to adapt their […]
Many companies we encounter in our daily work see the power of technology in delivering the traditional product or service (or something similar to it) more efficiently. Trying to do so is of course not bad – even though considerable investments often make it difficult to realise efficiency gains. The […]
Where do you look for information and decision facts when you are considering buying the product or service of a specific company? In the internet era, the answer seems obvious: on the respective company’s website. In fact, in most industries that’s exactly what potential customers do. This is great news, […]
When we recently started a project for a well-known, large international company, we were asked to find out how the digital customer journey nowadays differed from the non-digital one. Our client desired to know which customers and prospects embarked on an online decision path and which ones decided offline. They […]
The bad news is that disappointing customer service is not only bad for customers. It is also detrimental to the success of the company providing it. Some simple statistics on customer attrition illustrate this impressively. The good news is that great customer experiences do not only have a positive influence […]
Any meaningful relationship is a two-sided affair and it should be beneficial to both involved parties. Both sides usually have an opinion of what it should be like. Hence, it helps to understand what type of relationship the other side would like to have. What is true for relationships between […]
In recent discussions on the topic of customer experience, technology is seen as the solution. But technology often fails, because of a culture that is not inclusive. Even worse, technology does not offer convenience to the user. If it is not simple and secure, it will be difficult to wow […]
Making a company customer-centric must go along with a cultural shift. One key to such a cultural transformation lies in a leadership that has a convincing, yet realistic, narrative to tell and that is prepared to walk the talk. Transforming organisations need leaders who clearly communicate the company’s strategic intent, […]
Truly customer-centric companies are characterised by two elements: Firstly, they have got the offering, customer experience, touchpoint usage, processes and tools right to create mutual value – i.e. value both for themselves and for their customers. Secondly, they have an inclusive culture that allows working seamlessly across functional silos within […]
Okay. You have accepted the fact that the traditional “funnel” model for explaining customer decision making does not really work any more. Hence, you are now putting a lot of effort into delivering the right customer experience to fit your customers’ needs along their decision journey. But is the “customer […]
While for Rick and Louis the end of the movie Casablaca promised the beginning of a good relationship, car dealers – and with them auto manufacturers – are about to lose their’s with car buyers; mainly because the ‘friendship’ just was not wonderful enough. And the automotive industry is not […]
If you define a customer experience that the combination of all your touchpoints are supposed to deliver to customers, you better make sure that this experience is delivered properly and consistently. Hence, a large proportion of companies have set up customer surveys that monitor execution and assess the effect it […]
Organisations focus more and more on the topic of business model optimisation. But one part that gets too few attention within BMO projects is the culture of a company. A culture has to be inclusive in terms of bridging departments and using the customer as a valuable resource. But is […]
Simple business economics make building up and maintaining mutually value-creating relationships with customers the most promising strategy for the vast majority of businesses in most industries; far superior to continuously trying to acquire new customers at a great cost. Interestingly, building up great relationships based on good customer insights also […]
Complexity is growing in almost every dimension of customer relationship management. More channels, touch points, and offerings will easily lead to confusion. As most organisations aim for growth they get to complex and difficult to understand. So one of the main challenges is to keep things simple while complexity is […]